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How to Purchase a Home Non-Contingent and Recast the New Loan to Apply Proceeds from the Sale

Purchasing a home non-contingent and then recasting the new loan with proceeds from a previous home sale is a strategic approach for many homebuyers. This method allows you to buy a new property without the sale of your current home…

First Time Home Buyer Checklist: Steps to Homeownership

Becoming a first-time home buyer is an exciting journey, filled with anticipation as you explore various properties and neighborhoods. But after the initial thrill, there’s a lot to consider before you can call yourself a homeowner and start choosing wall…

Homeownership vs. Renting: Pros and Cons for Different Life Stages

Deciding whether to buy a home or rent is a significant financial decision that varies based on one’s life stage. Homeownership vs. Renting both have distinct advantages and disadvantages that should be carefully weighed to determine which best fits your…

Buying a House: 10 Key Financial Questions to Ask Before Buying

Buying a home is an exciting time involving some very important decision-making. On one side of the matter, you are choosing a place to put down roots. It should be a house you find personally charming, that you love to…

A Beginner’s Guide: How to Save for a Down Payment

Tips and Strategies for Building Your Savings If you’re looking to purchase a home, one of the biggest hurdles you may face is saving up for a down payment. A down payment is the amount of money you pay upfront…

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